About Truth Finders

These are the last days. The Bible says "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" 
(Hos 4:6)

God has given us The Bible- which acts as a guide for Christian walk.

Many Christians do not know how to read the Bible.

Many of us have difficulty in finding how to read the Bible! Where to start and What to read first!

The Truth Finders Group functions to help everyone to study and meditate the Bible systematically and to apply it in our lives.

A series of courses have been conducted by The Truth Finders Group. Some of the courses are
  1. MP3 - Minor Prophet books in 3 months
  2. G8 Mission - 8 topic based studies focused on Great Commission.
  3. 13 Letters - The 13 Epistles of Paul ( A six month study)
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The Truth (Jesus) will set us free.